welcome to smackmypitchup.com This is the first interactive website completely dedicated to ear training for sound engineers.
We believe that the huge possibilities of sound manipulation given by modern technology made us lose the ability to listen: this website will educate your ears to what sound is and will give you the ability to be familiar with it. By following the curriculum and taking the tests, you will learn to recognise different sounds and you will develop a pair of trained ears, which we believe to be a crucial skill to sound engineers. So what is smackmypitchup.com? An ear-training website for technicians and sound engineers. Both students and professional will find it of some use. How does it work? take a look at the instructions here How much does that cost? nothing, all parts of the website [which is a university masters project - see the academic page for more details] are completely free to use without time limitations. The whole project is released under a creative commons license [see footer for details]. What do you need to use it? Only a web browser and a fast [adsl or faster recommended] internet connection. SMPU.com currently supports Safari, Firefox, and IE. best results on Safari, though. Please, get in touch with us for more info. Have fun and be ready to smack your pitch up! SMPU Staff |